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Sally J. Simpson
Sally Simpson is an Elder Law attorney and Licensed Fiduciary in Tucson, Arizona. She primarily helps clients effectuate thoughtful plans and documents so that their wishes are carried out when they can no longer “competently” speak for themselves in the eyes of the law. Her practice focuses on estate planning, guardianships and conservatorships, and probate law. In other words, Sally helps clients:
Proactively develop KISS-appropriate estate plans, otherwise known as “Keep the Inheritance Safe and Secure for the Kids;”
Access the court to become guardians and/or conservators when a spouse or parent can no longer make sound decisions (but failed to put necessary legal papers in place in a timely manner);
Defend against unjustified attempts by spouses, siblings, or children to initiate the statutory guardianship or conservatorship process; and understand, navigate, and settle a decedent’s estate under Arizona law.
Graduating in 1981 from the University of Wisconsin at Eau Claire with a degree in Business Administration, Sally spent 15 years in finance, investments, and trading and compliance work before moving to Tucson from the Midwest in 1996. After six years in organizational development and business consulting, she decided to pursue her Juris Doctorate degree from the
University of Arizona and joined the State Bar of Arizona in 2005.
Sally currently serves as a Director on the Boards of the Arizona Chapter of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA) and ARC Arizona (Administration of Resources and Choices). She is also an active member of the Pima County Bar Association and Arizona Fiduciary Association, a member and former Treasurer of Soroptimist International of Desert Tucson, Inc., and a former member of the Arizona Women Lawyers Association. Sally also volunteers with Southern Arizona Legal Aid’s Volunteer Lawyer Program, the Beacon Foundation, and the Pima Council on Aging.