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Pew Research Social and Demographic Trends March 14, 2013: Modern Parenthood

Working fathers report that their highest priority is having a high paying job, mothers are more concerned with having a flexible schedule.

32% of mothers with children under 18 report the desire to work full time compared to 20% in 2007.

16% of mothers with a young child say the ideal situation is to have a full time job.

42% say part time work is ideal.

56% of mothers and 50% of mothers say juggling family life and work is difficult.

33% of mothers with children under 18 and 46% of fathers say they don’t spend enough time with their children.

60% of two-parent families with children under 18 have two working parents.

73% of mothers say they are doing good parenting compared to 64% of fathers.

47% of women who say they can’t meet basic expenses say the ideal situation is to work full time.

31% of women who are ‘comfortable’ say working full time is ideal.

23% of married mothers say working full time is ideal; 49% of single Moms say working full time is ideal.

Mothers spend 13.5 hours per week with their children and fathers spend 7.3 hours per week.

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